Smart Lighting

Have you taken a look at the electricity bill for your business or plant recently? About a third of the cost likely comes from lighting. The good news is that CED of Miami, can help you reduce those costs by nearly 50% with more energy efficient fixtures that produce better quality light.

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You might also qualify for incentives through TVA’s Energy Right® Solutions for Business + Industry Programs. Below outlines information found on about the benefits of improved lighting and qualifying for incentives.

Our experts can perform an on-site evaluation and also provide recommendations on optimizing your lighting.
Explore our tips on steps you can take today as well as other lighting technologies to consider for improving efficiency for years to come.

Get An Energy Audit Today

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Other benefits for improving lighting systems include:
√ Reducing demand on HVAC systems by cutting down on waste heat produced by inefficient lighting fixtures.
√ Improving productivity by adjusting light to optimal levels in different workspaces.


First Steps For Energy Efficient Lighting

Turn off lights:
√ When space is not occupied
√ When you are away from your space
√ When daylight is sufficient
√ In off-hours such as nights and weekends
√ On the exterior during the day
√ Use automatic controls to turn off lights when a space is not occupied. Savings can cover the system cost in as little as a year.
√ Establish lighting level standards, including reducing levels where appropriate. Different work areas have different lighting needs. You can save energy by matching lighting to those needs.
√ Use energy-efficient exit signs. Switching from incandescent lights to LEDs or radium strips can reduce electricity use by up to 90 percent.

Energy-Efficient Lighting Technologies

Turning off lights and other energy-saving tips will gain you some efficiency, but older, outdated lighting simply uses more power than newer, more efficient technologies. Here are some options to consider;

LED lighting:

Highly efficient and long-lasting light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have illuminated buttons on stereos and computers for years. New, higher-powered LEDs can replace a broad range of standard lighting fixtures, while reducing energy consumption by up to 90 percent and lasting 10 times longer.

Standard Incentives

Standard Incentives are open to ALL commercial and industrial participants meeting the eligibility criteria and funding availability. Incentives are available for certain energy-efficiency measures that involve an upgrade or one-for-one replacement of an existing piece of equipment with a more energy-efficient piece of equipment. Efforts have been made to include measures that are recognized nationally and that are accepted as good business practice. An application requesting a standard incentive may fall into several categories based on technology such as HVAC equipment, lighting, food service, and refrigeration and miscellaneous. The pre-approval requirement is waived for the standard HVAC and food service categories. A list of all standard measures and minimum- efficiency requirements is available in incentive tables located in the technology document links below.

**Lighting must be purchased or installed by a Preferred Partners Network (PPN) contractor. Only PPN members can submit lighting projects, lighting submission code required.

CED of Miami is an approved Preferred Partners Network contractor. Contact us at (305) 418-9141 for your on-site evaluation and to learn how you can qualify for incentives.